There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to a spring cleanse, but it is something everyone can benefit from. You need to choose one that is the best fit for you and your health. Your body may tell you what kind of cleanse it needs and for how long!
My first detox…oh boy
Some people freak out when they hear the word “detox.” They think it’s a juice cleanse or a program where you are only going to be able to eat a tiny amount of food and be deprived to the point where crazy things happen. But that is not what detoxes are about. Even though I was armed with the knowledge that you could do a detox with a real food diet, my first attempt at a detox would definitely make a good TV episode.
Before I started nutrition school I was reading about the importance of knowing if you have any food sensitivities and all the amazing benefits of flushing the body of toxins. Food sensitivities can lead to all kind of things from breakouts, to digestive issues, to fatigue. Often you don’t realize how bad you felt until you see how good you are actually meant to feel.
Nevertheless, I decided I wanted to eliminate some of the foods that are known high-allergen foods (diary, gluten, eggs, soy, corn, etc). I read a lot of information, and committed to two weeks. Oh boy, what I thought was going to be easy turned into the most stressful thing in the world!!!
My mom even came into town the first weekend and I went to one of the healthiest spots on our side of town, only to look at the menu and realize I couldn’t eat anything. We actually ended up leaving and next thing I know I’m in the TJ Maxx bathroom crying because I felt so defeated. You know those days when you have tried something to the best of your ability, and you have been working so hard and giving it your all for days, only to get to a point where you feel like the universe is against you. The next few days I found myself not eating much because there wasn’t much I felt like I could eat. I was starting to get a bitter taste in my mouth about it all and I ended up going off of it without learning anything about my body.
Looking back, what I needed was a plan and guidance to know exactly what I was doing. I wanted a detox where I actually found recipes that I liked as I walked through the process of reseting my body. I didn’t want to be stressed, I didn’t want to feel defeated or deprived!!! So now I’ve created the program I wish I would have had back then, you can read about it here.
Spring is the time nature produces many fruits and vegetables that are perfect for a natural detox. This includes berries, sprouts, greens, and bitter roots that also help improve your immunity and fight off toxins and diseases. Your body should crave different foods to prepare for and get in sync with the new season. We need to listen to what our bodies need and what is offered in nature to reach optimal health and wellness.
If this is your first detox, don’t make the same mistake I did, get a health coach to walk you through the process. Not only is it important to plan your detox, but planning your post-cleanse is just as important. You want to be sure to continue a healthier lifestyle by eating clean, hydrating, and limiting sugar, caffeine and alcohol intake.
Benefits of detoxing:
- rid the body of toxic waste
- shed weight
- healthier skin
- improved digestive system
- improved immune system
- clearer thinking
- improved movement and flexibility
- general feeling of renew and rejuvenation filled with motivation as you feel lighter
Some other ways to enhance your Spring cleanse is by taking some probiotics, antioxidants, massage therapy, saunas, aromatherapy baths, and exercise (sweat it out!). Foods that you should focus on with a Spring cleanse include lemons, spinach, radishes, pineapples, artichokes, nettles, green tea, green peas, coriander, celery, sesame seeds, turmeric, cabbage, dandelion roots, citrus fruits, berries, asparagus, and garlic. It is best if they are all in their organic raw natural form.
During your cleanse, be sure to:
- Hydrate: As you become more active you will need to drink more water
- Practice clean eating
- No caffeine, sugar, or alcohol.
- Exercise
- Meditate
- Try to eliminate eggs, wheat, gluten, corn and soy for the duration of your cleanse. These products have allergens, and you want to be as clean as possible.
You can always do it on your own, but usually on the first time that leads to frustration and deprivation – I’m a great example of that. Having someone guiding you through a well planned program with the support of others that are also doing it for the first time gives you not only support, but knowledge and confidence to know you are doing it right and you will see the benefits you want.
Click here to learn more about my whole foods based Sexy Spring Reset.
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