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The Magic of Vitamin D

The Magic of Vitamin D

Many health experts consider the benefits of vitamin D to be one of the most important health discoveries in the last century! How amazing is that? We grew up hearing all about “getting our vitamins” and force feeding ourselves veggies. Now that we’re adults, we still need vitamins, and it’s becoming clear that Vitamin D is one of the most beneficial to our health. 

The first thing that comes to mind when you think about Vitamin D is SUNSHINE. 🙂 Just in time for summer! So what is vitamin D, and how can we make sure we are getting enough? 

The Basics

Vitamin D is found in two forms. Vitamin D2 (Ergocalciferol) is made by plants. You can find it in foods that have been fortified, such as juices, milk, or cereals (not really the best source). However, Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol), the most complete form of Vitamin D, is made when the skin is exposed to sun.VitaminDfood

We’ve been somewhat “brain-washed” by the media to think that all sun exposure is bad. This is NOT TRUE! Getting 15 minutes of direct sunlight on unprotected skin is usually enough to get in your daily dose. Nature is your best bet for Vitamin D. Including foods in your diet that contain vitamin D, like fish (wild salmon is good), cod liver oil, milk, eggs, fresh fruits, and vegetables will also help. Unfortunately, most of us cannot get enough Vitamin D through food sources or sun exposure. 🙁

It is estimated that up to 2/3 of the population is Vitamin D deficient and needs to take a Vitamin D3 supplement. Keep in mind that it is a fat-soluble vitamin and should be taken with a meal for the best absorption possible.

As you can see, Vitamin D is absolutely necessary for good health & the list of benefits just keeps on GROWING.

 Benefits of Vitamin D

How do I know if I am getting enough?

Have a blood test called 25(OH). It is the ONLY blood test out there that measures the amount of Vitamin D to determine if you are getting enough or not. This test is especially important if you have family history of cancer or autoimmune disease.

Vitamin D is essential to our health and has so many benefits! Asking your doctor about Vitamin D is well worth the health benefits. Eat your veggies, hang out in the sun, and love that Vitamin D!

Need some more ideas about small changes to make to get big improvements? Getting good sleep can change your life. Check out Why Sleep?


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Julia Nicholson is dedicated to helping women reclaim their health and life so they can live full out. She's a current NFL cheerleader, wife, and mom who has a passion for helping women achieve their greatness and live their dream.