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Share the Love: My Favorite Charities

Share the Love: My Favorite Charities

I try to recognize daily that my life is very blessed, and I try to show gratitude daily. One of the best ways we can show gratitude is to pay it forward to others who may need some sunshine in their lives. It brings joy to others and it brings joy to me! I felt… Continue Reading

Get Your Snack On: Healthy Snack Ideas

Get Your Snack On: Healthy Snack Ideas

Cravings happen even to the healthiest of us. Often, when a craving hits in the afternoon or after dinner, we get the urge to snack. Snacking can be a bad habit because the snacks we choose are often junky, un-nutritious, and high in calories, sugar, and/or fat. The trick to snacking without piling on the… Continue Reading

Five Workouts to Be Your Sexiest Self

Five Workouts to Be Your Sexiest Self

Your workouts can do so much for your overall well-being obviously. You might have felt effects ranging from better moods, a more svelte and toned body, and even making new friends. We strive to make exercise impact all parts of our lives, and I bet you might have noticed that exercising has even made you… Continue Reading

The Skinny on the Elimination Diet

The Skinny on the Elimination Diet

If your digestion is less than optimal and you feel terrible, it is time to do something about it. I got to that point and started noticing that I had symptoms like gassiness, bloating, constipation, and sharp cramp-like pains that started happening a lot. I knew I needed a reliable way to find out WHY this… Continue Reading

Happy Wife, Happy Life: Keep the Fire Burning!

Happy Wife, Happy Life: Keep the Fire Burning!

If you’re in a long-term relationship or a marriage, you know that it takes some effort to build your relationship! As time goes by and we are busy with commitments and kids and responsibilities, it can be easy to put your relationship second. That person understands you well and knows you’re busy, of course, but time… Continue Reading

How to Keep Bugs at Bay This Summer

How to Keep Bugs at Bay This Summer

Spending time outside in the summer is wonderful, but many of us get eaten up by mosquitoes! I hate those little itchy bites! And this year more than ever, we need to be careful about bug bites. Why the caution? Mosquitoes are annoying and their bites are itchy, but more importantly, some mosquitoes may carry… Continue Reading

Eat Healthy Without Spending Too Much Time in the Kitchen

Eat Healthy Without Spending Too Much Time in the Kitchen

Are you eating real, whole food as much as you’d like? I have found that the best possible way to live a healthy lifestyle and have healthy and delicious meals all week long is by meal prepping once for the whole week. It saves me time, money, and stress, all the while allowing me to stay on track with eating… Continue Reading

Need-to-Know Summer Beauty Survival Tips

Need-to-Know Summer Beauty Survival Tips

Your makeup is off your face by noon. Your hair is just a puff of frizz. It’s summer, indeed. Summer is always such a blast, but you’re out and about, taking pictures, and seeing loved ones. You wanna look good! You should have no beauty worries this summer, so here are a few tips to help… Continue Reading

The Magic of Vitamin D

The Magic of Vitamin D

Many health experts consider the benefits of vitamin D to be one of the most important health discoveries in the last century! How amazing is that? We grew up hearing all about “getting our vitamins” and force feeding ourselves veggies. Now that we’re adults, we still need vitamins, and it’s becoming clear that Vitamin D… Continue Reading

Julia Nicholson is dedicated to helping women reclaim their health and life so they can live full out. She's a current NFL cheerleader, wife, and mom who has a passion for helping women achieve their greatness and live their dream.