Why the caution?
Mosquitoes are annoying and their bites are itchy, but more importantly, some mosquitoes may carry dangerous diseases like malaria, West Nile virus, dengue, and the newest scare Zika virus. Zika has been known to cause birth defects in babies and is starting to spread within South and North America. While these cases are fairly rare in the United States, people do contract them, especially if they are traveling to countries where these diseases are more prevalent. It’s helpful, especially if you’re pregnant, to be super careful about protecting yourself!
Best Natural Repellents
Most mosquito repellents contain DEET, but DEET can cause some health and environmental problems. Seek out plant-based repellents that can ward off mosquitoes. Many of them contain rosemary, citronella, or lemongrass. Check out sprays like Repel Lemon Eucalyptus and Burt’s Bees Herbal Insect Repellent. You can also use oil of lemon eucalyptus or lavender oil mixed with lotion to help ward off mosquitoes and reapply frequently. Make sure to apply to exposed skin and reapply often especially if you get sweaty or are outside for long periods of time. Be careful about using these homemade kinds with very young children and try a small spot first to make sure there are no skin reactions.
Plants to Plant
Plants outside and inside can help protect you (and look good as well). Citronella is the number one helper and is a beautiful addition to your yard or porch. Other herbs that we love anyway can help protect too like lavender, lemon balm, catnip (your cat will thank you), rosemary, and basil. Put these plants on your porches and yards where you and your family like to hang out, and you will be more protected from mosquitoes!
Other Suggestions
There are other ways to ward off mosquitoes too! Eliminate standing water as much as possible–bird feeders (change frequently), planters, plastic covers, open buckets. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, so getting rid of water will not attract them. Most mosquitoes bite during dusk and dawn, so try to stay indoors for at least during these times.
I hope these tips help you stay safe this summer, and feel free to share any other repellents or tips that work for you!
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