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Five Workouts to Be Your Sexiest Self

Five Workouts to Be Your Sexiest Self

Your workouts can do so much for your overall well-being obviously. You might have felt effects ranging from better moods, a more svelte and toned body, and even making new friends. We strive to make exercise impact all parts of our lives, and I bet you might have noticed that exercising has even made you feel sexier. It might be because you’ve dropped some pounds, attained some coveted curves, and increased your energy. Maybe your better mood have also helped you get more in the mood. Some workouts and workout hybrids might help you feel even sexier because of their effects on your body or mind or even just the moves! I would recommend working in some moves or attitudes from each workout into your routine.

Try out these sexy workouts!

  • Barre: Heads up, I’m a barre3 instructor, and I absolutely adore the workout overall. Barre incorporates all the best inspiration from ballet, Pilates, and yoga into a fantastic blend of cardio and stretching. Barre strengthens and tones b3pleasemuscles while also shaping your body like a dancer–long, lean, and tall. Barre helps increase your energy and also helps you get into a positive mindset toward your body and your life. This body-positive outlook can translate into making you feel sexier and more confident even when you step away from the barre.
  • Yoga: We think of yoga as something for mindfulness and calm (which it totally is), but it can also influence your sexiness. Yoga stretches obviously make you more flexible, which can help you feel more comfortable in your body. Its de-stressing effects can helps you feel more relaxed and improve your attitude toward yourself (and your significant other). Instead of worrying about the dishes after the kids go to bed, you’ll be relaxed enough to have some time together!

Exercise helps you de-stress, gain energy, and feel more in touch and aware of your body! All things that can make you feel sexier!

  • Walking/running/jogging: Wait, what? These workouts are often seen as drudgery, but if we refocus our intentions, they can be a rejuvenating time to de-stress and get the cardio benefits your body loves. I especially like doing these workouts outside so I enjoy fresh air and natural beauty. The cardio gets you more energy and keeps your ticker strong, which can create more energy. Gives you plenty of time to get some alone time and relax while maybe 5 workouts to be your sexiest selflistening to some energetic music or maybe a book on tape, or a podcast.
  • Swimming: It’s not the just bathing suit that makes you feel sexy, but swimming can also help you feel sexy in other ways. It’s a gentle workout for your joints that helps improve your endurance and cardio health. It can be as relaxing or rigorous as you like, so you have control over the workout. Prance around in your bathing suit before and after your workout, of course!
  • Dancing: Some examples of the sexiest dance class trends include pole dancing, chair dancing, belly dancing, zumba, salsa, or even ballroom. Many health clubs and gyms offer some of these classes. Give them a shot and see how they transform your body and your mindset. Dancing often helps us feel more in touch with our bodies and how they move, which can translate well into making you feel sexier and conscious of your body. You can have your S.O. take a partner dance class with you or show off your moves with them outside of class!

Trying new exercises is always an adventure, and adventure is the spice of life! I hope you can squeeze some sexy workouts into your routine and help spice up your love life!

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Julia Nicholson is dedicated to helping women reclaim their health and life so they can live full out. She's a current NFL cheerleader, wife, and mom who has a passion for helping women achieve their greatness and live their dream.