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Cut It Out: 7 Ways to Cut Out Toxins

Cut It Out: 7 Ways to Cut Out Toxins

You guys, toxins are everywhere. They are so sneaky! Living a truly healthy life means being aware of toxins and avoiding the ones you can to keep our bodies pure and working properly. Toxins can be in anything from makeup to sunscreens to air pollution to our water. According to the EPA, indoor environments are even more polluted than outdoor environments; we cannot always control the outdoor pollution, but we can control our own homes. We have to be super careful, and we have to make an effort. Below are some easy switches you can make in one store run that can help you cut back on toxins.
  1. Brush with fluoride-free toothpaste: Fluoride is a mineral that is often added to water and products for your teeth to help prevent cavities. However, too much fluoride can have significant effect on the appearance of your teeth and is toxic if too much is swallowed. According to Dr. Axe, “Excessive fluoride has been linked to stained and mottled teeth along with a variety of chronic and acute health issues.” So while it won’t hurt you in small doses, we already get a lot of fluoride since it’s been added to so many things already. Just go for fluoride-free toothpastes to prevent overloading your body.
  2. Let your natural beauty shine: Many personal care products contain chemicals and parabens that can have an negative effect on your overall health. Switch to products that are free of these toxins and use all-natural ingredients that won’t harm your skin. The skin is our largest and most visible organ, so we want to protect it!

    Switch to products that are free of these toxins and use all-natural ingredients that won't harm your skin.

  3. Get your water through a filter: Our tap water contains many chemicals and toxins that can harm our health. According to the EPA, “560,000 people become ill each year from water.” Commercial water bottles are also not safe either; the water still contains toxins and the plastic bottles also contain toxins. Buy a filter and a reusable glass or stainless steel water bottle to help you fight toxins in your most important drink!
  4. Clean up those dust bunnies: Dust can carry toxins (as well and making us sneeze!). Keep your house clean by dusting frequently. Also, a dare: take your shoes off in the house so you and your family aren’t tracking in outdoor allergens and toxins.
    Checking your labels can help, but some toxins are not on product labels. Beware!
  5. Take those tests: You can drink all the filtered water and eat all the organic food you want, but if your home is toxic, your hard work is going to waste! If you live in an older place, test for lead and radon in your home to make sure you are in the clear!
  6. DIY cleaners: Many of our common household cleaners sneak in many toxins and chemicals that we don’t even notice. Natural ingredients can clean just as well while saving you money and toxin additions. Don’t be afraid to DIY cleaning products so you know exactly what you’re using in your home. Baking soda, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide can clean your home while not hurting your body. Adding essential oils into your cleaners are a great way to clean naturally, plus it’s inexpensive.EPA
  7. Ditch your plastics: We have to use plastics wisely. Many plastics contain BPA, which is a known endocrine disruptor. The endocrine system is so important, and disrupting its processes can lead to anything from cancer to infertility. Don’t wrap or store food in plastic and switch the containers out with metal or glass containers.

I know it’s scary how easily toxins can sneak into our lives even when we eat all organic food, but we have ways of protecting ourselves! Some small changes can really have an important effect on our bodies and health!

The EPA provides a Safer Choice label on products that are deemed safe. Check out for more information and some tips to get started.

Need a quick body detox (and a good excuse to take a bath)? Check out my article for a detox bath recipe.

Don’t forget if you want to learn more about how to be healthy and look great with ease then sign up to get free goodies I only share through e-mail by clicking here.

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Julia Nicholson is dedicated to helping women reclaim their health and life so they can live full out. She's a current NFL cheerleader, wife, and mom who has a passion for helping women achieve their greatness and live their dream.