There are plenty of women who have made themselves better with age, and the common denominator is that they chose to. So, as this new year and new number come once again in August I’m reminded of a post I did last year and I wanted to add one more truth to that.
Without further ado, in no particular order, here are 31 things I know to be true on my 31st birthday.
31 Truths on my 31st Birthday
1. To live and to exist are two very different things – I’m sure you have met people that have lived more in one year than some people experience in a lifetime. Deciding to go after life and live full out makes you appreciate every single moment you are given because you remember you aren’t guaranteed tomorrow.
2. Everyday cheerleaders are important – Some of my greatest accomplishments would not have happened without the love and support I had behind me. Their encouragement and beliefs remind me how important it is to give that same support to others.
3. The people you surround yourself with most are extremely influential on your life – Jim Roth said “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” I’m starting to see more and more truth to this statement. When I surround myself with passionate people I found myself driven and successful. When I’m around negative people who are self-centered and always see the worst of every situation I find my attitude starts to become dull.
4. Optimism is contagious and attracts happiness – Life isn’t easy or perfect, but looking for the good in situations and appreciating the small things in life is a quality that attracts happiness and rubs off on others.
5. Small acts of kindness are underrated – Kindness matters…period!! The small things sometimes turn out to be the things that touch our souls the most. Ask anyone who has gotten a surprise note packed in their suitcase or a coffee paid for by the person in the drive-thru in front of them. Pay the kindness forward!
6. Hand written cards will never go out of style – I love hand written notes. There is something about taking the time to personally write a thoughtful note to someone that shows how much you care. Birthday cards, Christmas cards, and especially a ‘Just thinking of you card’ can light up my day.
7. When I love myself I’m able to give more love to others – Setting aside time to relax and do things you love sometimes seems selfish, but it shouldn’t. I’ve learned, especially over the last year, that I’m a better mother, wife, and friend when I take the time to take care of myself and give my mind, body, and spirit the things it needs to soar.
8. Your calendar is a reflection of your priorities – This is a tough pill to swallow, but it’s true. How you spend your time is a choice and a direct reflection of what you believe and what’s important to you.
9. Good health is the best gift you can give yourself – It took a long time for me to learn that what I put into my body and how I treat my body effect how I feel and how I look. I can’t thrive if I don’t respect myself enough to give my body what it needs to flourish. Learning that eating a salad isn’t depriving myself, but nourishing my body was a big turning point for me.
10. Being rich has nothing to do with money. Some of the poorest people have the richest lives.
11. The more you give the more you receive – You should always give without the expectation of anything in return. However, whenever I have given my time or money, I almost always get something back in return. Most of the time it’s a new appreciation of how blessed I am, and how easily I take for granted the simple things in life that not everyone has the privilege of having.
12. You vote with your dollars everyday – It is likely the most important vote you have. Every dollar you spend goes to someone’s bottom line and shows what you, the consumer, deems as acceptable. Sometimes buying the locally grown food or products made in line with your ethics are more expensive, but you’re not just buying a product, you’re showing that you support the company’s mission, employees, and practices.
13. When I listen more than I talk I learn more, gain more, and connect more
14. Laughter really is the best medicine – When is the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt? Enjoying a good movie, deep fellowship with friends or reading a good book can sometimes be all you need.
15. Being a parent is a huge responsibility – I know you are saying…duh!! But I didn’t realize the magnitude of this job until I had my son. I realize I owe my parents a lot more gratitude and respect for raising two great kids. Being a mom takes sacrifice, hard work, and love; however, it’s more rewarding than anything I’ve ever experienced.
16. Nothing worth achieving comes without hard work – The things that I’m most proud of came with lots of hard work and effort behind them. When things seem challenging I just remember it will be that much sweeter when I get to where I want to be.
17. Prayer is important – Whether times are good or times are bad, having a relationship with God keeps you strong.
18. Success is not the absence of failure – Thomas Edison said “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Usually success is on the other side of failure, you just have to decide to keep going. Life turns out better than I could have imagined when I don’t let fear drive my decisions.
19. When work and passion align massive change is possible
20. How you make someone feel is what they remember – Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I couldn’t agree more.
21. When you find yourself judging other people it’s usually a reflection of your own insecurities – “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” ― Mother Teresa
22. Procrastination is a choice – When things don’t get done it’s usually because you aren’t making them a priority. When you do the things you dread first you will have less stress and you will get more done.
23. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness – Investing in yourself and seeking help from people who have mastered the things that you are seeking helps you to bypass costly mistakes that people have already made in the past. Learning from others that have gone before you is a good way to save time and energy and to honor their efforts.
24. Don’t mess with the Golden Rule – Karma is real and burning bridges will always come back to haunt you. Save yourself the trouble and treat others how you would like to be treated.
25. True friendship is something to cherish – Finding friends that give just as much to the friendship as they take is hard to find. Having people that truly know you and understand your quirks is something that becomes harder to find as life gets more demanding.
26. Happily ever after isn’t perfect, but it’s worth it when you’re with the right person.
27. How you treat people says a lot about you – In high school I held a job as a cashier and I was amazed at how many people would check out and never once acknowledge you because they were too busy on their phone. Watching people now I’ve noticed the people who take the time to treat everyone they meet with equal respect are generally happier and more sure of who they are and their purpose in the world.
28. Continuous learning is essential for growth – Having a thirst for knowledge is important for development and growth. That growth will help you both in your personal and professional life. Never stop learning.
29. Your attitude is a choice – Choose to be happy!
30. Nothing is possible without God and He should be given all the glory!
31. You can get to where you are going without first knowing where you are. I’m a huge believer in dreams and vision; however, you can’t find the fastest route to your destination without first knowing where you are starting from. Knowing your weakness can be a huge asset.
Here’s to making the most of every day and letting this day be our launching pad to a brighter tomorrow.
I’m so thankful for the people who read this blog and I’m constantly inspired by your drive for life. I’d love to hear what you thought of this post in the comments below. Do you have any to add to the list?
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