Instead of saying “I will take control when…,” use these eight tips, below so you can reap the benefits of finding clarity amongst the chaos.
8 Ways to Take Control of the Pace of Your Life
1) Give yourself permission – You first have to realize that giving yourself some time to slow down and live mindfully does not mean you are going to miss out on life. It doesn’t mean you are selfish or lazy. Quite the opposite, when you make more time to recharge, it gives your brain a chance to reboot, increases your productivity, provides clarity, and gives you time to savor those moments you would normally speed through.
2) Prioritize your daily objectives – How many times do you get started on a thousand projects and never fully finish any of them? By setting three daily objectives, you are focusing on the most important tasks and eliminating the stress of feeling like you have to get everything done at once.
3) Make your time with family and friends count – With all the forms of social media available to us, it has never been easier to keep in touch with people no matter where they may live; however, it’s still easy to feel disconnected due to the lack of truly meaningful connections. If you’ve taken the time to be with a friend or family member put away your phone and actively engage with them. Cherishing your time together and being fully present, makes your relationship and experiences more meaningful and memorable.
4) Limit TV time and personal internet use – How many times do we open Facebook for just a second and find ourselves 30 minutes later still scrolling through the news feed? Or, do you sit down to watch your favorite TV show and get hooked by another? By limiting your daily or weekly media consumption to a certain limited amount, you are actively choosing how you want to spend your time, the most precious of all your resources.
5) Make time for yourself – You might have to set an appointment in your calendar to make this one happen, but it’s critical that you have time to do things that feed your soul, nourish your mind, and ignite that inner spark that makes you shine. If you don’t create time for yourself, you can easily get bogged down by overcommitment, and that inner spark can get snuffed out by the noise and busyness in your life.
6) Eat slower – As a culture, we have a tendency to eat on the go or in front of our computers/TVs. Take 20 minutes to sit down and savor your food. Enjoy the flavors, textures, and smells of your food. Make the time to really connect with the person you’re sharing your meal with as you savor the moment instead of rushing and looking ahead to the next thing.
7) Brief meditation – Find moments in your day where you can take 3-5 minutes to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Pick a particular time or spot that you can commit to doing this each day. It could be every time you get in the car, every time you power up your computer, or while you are in the shower. Giving yourself those few minutes to clear your mind will not only give your clarity, but it will also set the tone for the rest of your day.
8) Make a not-to-do list – We have so many time-sucking, non-productive tasks that we can eliminate from our lives to free up some time for a little R&R. Knowing what you are not going to spend your time on is just as important as knowing what is on your to do list.
We are only here for one life. Make it count by carving out time for the important things. I’d love to hear from you. In the comments below tell me which of these techniques you will implement this week to live more mindfully and what you will do with your extra time.
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#4 internet time and #5 making time for self are MY personal downfalls. As far as internet time, I try to control it, but I find myself on it too much, and therefore sitting too much. I really need to work on this as it is a major threat to my health and well-being. If you’ve never heard of the sitting disease, google it. For #5, personal time, I need to remember that family obligations, and personal favors for friends should never get to the point of usurping 100% of my “me time”, and I nee to learn to say NO without feeling bad, because that NO is actually a YES to my own well-being! Every day is a new day, and even small progress is still progress!
Wow, I love what you said “saying NO is actually saying YES to my own well-being.” That is so easy to forget! And you are right, making small changes every day turns into major progress over time. Thanks for sharing Joodie!