I’m sure we’ve all been here. Let’s be honest, even the salad options at some of the fast food joints are filled with iceberg lettuce (which aren’t nutrient dense), questionable meats, and dressings with high fructose corn syrup or sugar as the first or second ingredient. Big thumbs down!
How do we avoid this? How can we avoid being that hungry, craving, cranky, impulsive person who has lost all control for healthy determination? It is much simpler than you’d think!
Here are 5 tips that will keep you away from the fast food lines:
- Always pack a snack. Carry some healthy options in your purse like a bar, piece of fruit, trail mix, some cut veggies. Bonus points for actually making snacks easy to travel. You’re much more likely to grab it and go if it’s already portable. Take a look at your busy schedule the night before or the morning of a busy day and stash some snacks in your bag. You won’t be looking for a last resort if you’re on the ball! I suggest packing apples, bananas, oranges, and even some healthy homemade trail mix. I put some nuts, raisins, and dried fruit like cranberries in a little plastic bag or container. It doesn’t fail me!
- Building off the last point, stash snacks everywhere. You can have the best intentions and plan to pack a snack, but sometimes we just forget or plans change. Place healthy snacks in places where you can access them. Put a few portable options in your desk or fridge at work so you can nosh at work or take to your next errand. Place a small pack of hearty snacks in your car compartment or your gym locker. This requires some foresight and effort, but this little bit of preparation will help you when you feel stuck.
- If you didn’t pack anything and have to eat out, take the time to go in somewhere and sit down. Options like Zoe’s, Takiki’s, and Chiptole have healthier options. It’s still fast but sitting down helps you eat more mindfully, and it’s easier to find guilt-free foods.
- If you must go through a drive thru, make it a rule that you pay for the person behind you! That’s right,
think about how much that would cut back on your temptation if you knew you had to pay for someone else. If you really can’t resist, you just made someone’s day.
- Plan ahead and prep your meals or hold onto leftovers. When driving home from a busy whirlwind day, it’s easy to convince yourself that you should swing by a fast food place because you have no food at home. If you know that you have an almost-ready meal or leftovers at home, it’s a lot easier to hold out if you know it won’t take you long to whip up your own healthy meal.
There you have it! A little prep can go a long way in helping you stick to your nutrition goals and help you feel so much better!
Want more on-the-go tips? Click HERE to check out my advice about how to feel your best even while traveling!
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