Yasmin LeBon is a mother of three and has been modeling since the 1980s. It is so inspiring to see women, especially moms, take care of their bodies and age with grace. I often have to remind myself that looking good with age doesn’t come by accident and there are definitely steps you can take now that you will thank your younger self for later.
Of course there are creams and treatments that will help, but here are four things you can’t get from a bottle

1) Reduce your Stress Level
We all want to maintain a youthful appearance as long as possible, but how you feel is a big part of how you come across. If you feel tired and rundown the stress and tension is going to show on your face. Have you ever met someone that exudes vibrance and happiness?
It’s true that we do need a certain level of stress to function in the world. You’ve heard the term “fight or flight” before? Those protective instincts are normal. However, when we live at a constant state of overdrive and emergency mode this becomes chronic stress and this can negatively effect our health.
Two of the biggest downfalls of chronic stress, when we are talking about outward beauty, are the hormonal imbalances and the reduced blood flow to our skin. This isn’t good for our skin, hair, or our teeth. Plus, the stress hormone cortisol leads to more cravings for those foods that aren’t going to help us fit into our skinny jeans.
When we look inward chronic stress can lead to all sorts of things. However, one of the things that is most precious as we age is our brain. Chronic stress contributes to the development of Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most common form of dementia. “An Umea University press release noted that a comparable acceleration of Alzheimer’s disease in humans due to chronically elevated stress steroids could mean the difference between living independently and requiring professional assistance.” Click here to read more about this.
In sum, keeping your stress level in check and making sure you find time for the important things. Relationships, spirituality, and self-care are just as important as the expensive face cream you have. Tip: Read this: 8 Ways to Take Control of the Pace of your Life.
2) Make Quality Rest a Priority
It’s no secret that among other things, sleep deprivation hinders your ability to concentrate, depletes your energy levels, and can make you moody. This can affect everything from your relationships and work performance to your ability to drive safely.
By getting adequate sleep you are giving your body the time it needs to rejuvenate so you can look, feel, and think younger.
Plus, you’ll likely get rid of those unattractive bags and dark circles under your eyes. So channel your inner Sleeping Beauty and get some good shut eye so you can live a long life looking good for your prince charming.

3) Develop and Maintain Physical Strength
I’m not talking about turning into a body builder here, but continuing to strength train has more benefits than just looking good in your jeans. According to the study in Dr Miriam Nelson’s book, Strong Women Stay Young, after a year of strength training twice per week the participants in the study had less fat and more muscle, bone loss was prevented or reversed, their strength and energy increased dramatically, and they showed surprising gains in balance and flexibility.
In addition to all the great benefits Dr. Nelson points out, continuing to work on your strength is a great way to prevent injury.
Developing and maintaining physical strength has to be a lifestyle choice. You can’t exercise once every three weeks and expect to get the results Dr. Nelson talks about. Tip: If you find ways to make exercise fun and think of it as way to honor your body it will seem less like a chore.
4) Eat Nourishing Food
Wow, this is a huge one. Our bodies are amazing machines and what we use to fuel our body with either helps it thrive or makes it weaker.
Becoming beautiful from the inside out will only help you on your path to aging with grace.
Eat wholesome foods with an abundance of fruits and veggies to give your body the nutrients it needs to thrive. Good fats, like coconut oil, have anti-inflammatory properties and are great for the skin. Look into spices like turmeric, which have strong anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-microbial, and antioxidant characteristics.
Wanting to age with grace isn’t vain or superficial, it’s about treasuring the one body you have and treating it with with the respect it deserves by giving it the things it needs to thrive.
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I need to make #3 a priority instead of hit or miss! Like brushing teeth at least twice a day, flossing and gum care, or daily bath, shower or personal hygiene, I need to give exercise it’s permanent slot on my daily agenda. Notice I didn’t say “to do list”. The usual to do list is a changeable, variable list where one task can be substituted for another, or crossed off entirely. Exercise needs to be a permanent thing, something you always do whether or not you do anything else. Wish me luck- I just started this week on an exercise bike program and it is on my #1 priorities list! Thanks Julia!
I love it Judi!! I like what you said about the To Do list vs. daily agenda…very true. I’m sending you good vibes for this week. Think about how good you are going to feel after each bike session. I’m cheering you on!
I totally agree!! I absolutely feel like a different person when I get to exercise! I feel I am a bit more passionate about it that a lot of people I am around everyday. They say things like “Oh Nikki, you just exhaust me”, or “Do you ever not just do nothing & sit around” like it bothers them that I do like to exercise. The negativity that comes along with an active healthy lifestyle is rediculous & I can’t seem to get away from it! Keep writing your blogs Julia, you have no idea how inspiring it is 🙂
Thanks so much Nikki!! I think it refreshing to know other people get these comments and remembering for every negative comment you get there are others that are watching from afar and are inspired by your health journey. Cheers to you! Thanks for the comment!