It’s rigorous training, but I enjoy the feeling of getting pushed past my normal limit and learning how to train in new ways. The anxiety for me comes the day of the test, and this year was worse than ever. The pressure is pretty high in general, because you know you only have one shot at passing to officially get the prized ‘Fitness Friday Shirt’ with bragging rights. Additionally, since I’ve previously passed all four years that we had Fitness Friday prior to my three year break, I felt the added pressure of wanting to prove to myself that I was just as good this year, after having a baby and taking time off, as I was before.
Here are 3 things I learned that can make Fitness Friday happen everyday
1) Accountability
Wow this is huge!! It’s one thing to do your workout in the privacy of your own home where no one knows if you skip those last five jump squats, but on that track I had 26 other women doing the same workout and we all knew that it was expected that each of us pass this test!!!! When you have someone holding you accountable not only for your workout but also for the intensity in which you tackle it, you are much more likely to get it done and push yourself beyond your normal stopping point.
2) Coaching
This is much different than accountability because a coach not only holds you accountable, they cheer you on and support you throughout the process. Here’s a perfect example, I was doing the last element of our test, which is how many step-ups you can do on a 12″ step in 2 minutes (you have to complete 100 to pass). It’s the end of the night and the sun has already gone down. I knew that passing this test would mean I get my 5 year shirt, so I wanted to smoke it!!! I hear ‘ready, set, go’ and I start my step-ups. If you have ever attempted this test the lactic acid in your body builds up around step 45 and you feel like your legs weigh 100lbs each with every step. But on my left I had someone counting out “40 more…30 more..just 20 more…you’re almost there.” Then on my right I heard “you’re doing great…awesome job…push through…you can do this…keep going.” I felt like not only did I want to do this for myself, but I also wanted to do this for them too. Plus, knowing someone was supporting me made me want it so much more!! Can you imagine if you had that kind of coaching in everyday life!?! “Way to go you just ordered a salad instead of nachos!!” “Don’t cancel your yoga class today because you’ll feel exhilarated and grounded as soon as it’s over!” “It’s normal to feel this way right now, you’ll be through it soon.” Wouldn’t that be awesome? All I can say is choose your friends wisely or get a health coach…
3) Showing up
I’m not talking about showing up just on the test day and hoping for the best, I’m talking about showing up on the practices days when you didn’t have to be there. There’s no way I could have gone into the test and nailed it without putting the previous training sessions to practice. Just like in life if your goal is to look awesome in your bikini, you can’t expect to go to the gym occasionally and just hope that when you put the bikini on the morning of the 4th of July you look 1,000 times better than you ever thought you would. No, it’s about consistently showing up to the things you know will set you up for success – whether you feel like it or not.
I ended up getting my “5th is better” t-shirt for successfully passing my 5th Fitness Friday test and let me tell you I almost want to frame it!!! I worked hard to get each one of my shirts and without all the hardwork and dedication I put into the previous four years I wouldn’t have gotten the privilege to be the only member of the team to receive the “5th and better” shirt this year!! In life, some of the most important things, like diet, exercise, and stress management, are always a work in progress but knowing you put forth effort everyday to achieve your ideal life, body, and health, makes it that much sweeter to enjoy!
Thinking back to the night of the test I realize now these three things greatly impacted my performance. Now that the test is over the hardest part is taking what I’ve learned and applying it to my normal workout routines. I say it’s the hardest part because change is usually met with some resistance because it’s easy to get stuck doing what’s comfortable and familiar. However, if I can work these three things into everyday life getting the feeling I had Thursday night can become more than a once a year thing.
Here’s to you making a life that you’re proud of, enjoying the sweetness of hard work, and basking in the glory of knowing you gave it your all!
As always, I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Have you had success with any of the keys above? Which one would make the most difference in your life?
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Love to hear that fitness goals make other people as happy as they do me! I have always been hard on myself, but I can honestly say, I’d have it no other way! Stress management has been my hardest struggle this past semester, with nurse practitioner school wrecking havok on my fitness schedule. Hopefully, I can get myself back in it! Any tips for stress management are greatly appreciated!
Nikki, you have a lot going on. Nurse practitioner school definitely has some high demands, but I applaud you for continuing to have a heart for fitness. Stress management gets the best of us for sure. Here are four things that really help me. 1) Having my top three goals at the start of the day. They are usually the things I dread doing, so by tackling the hardest things first my stress level goes way down and I get even more accomplished during the week. 2) Literally schedule in at least one thing each week that centers you. This is something different for everyone, but it gives you something to look forward to and rejuvenates you so you are ready to take on the rest of the week. 3) Quality sleep and nourishing food. I know these are super hard to do with a demanding schedule, but they make all the difference. 4) Lastly appreciate yourself and be proud of all that you are doing! Life isn’t about being perfect, it’s about making everyday count. You’re amazing Nikki! I love hearing from you.
You are an amazing and beautiful woman. I’m so proud that you are on a mission to help other people improve their lives in a healthy and meaningful way.
Having amazing support makes all the difference.
This is inspiring. I have a two year fitness goal I’m looking at for when I turn 50. The guidance on getting a coach is a great idea and I’m investigating the cost. I’ve rejoined the gym, but really don’t have anyone but me holding myself accountable. Thanks for the guidance. Will keep you posted.
Please keep me posted. I feel like publicly telling people is a huge step, it makes it real. Just remember you don’t have to hire someone to be your accountability partner; however, paying someone does make you put a lot more effort into it. Plus, they definitely don’t cut you as much slack as you cut yourself, at least that’s been my experience. I can’t wait to hear how it goes, thanks for sharing!