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Healthy Homemade Chocolates

Healthy Homemade Chocolates

I have to admit chocolate is one of my weaknesses!! Can you imagine how thrilled I was after hearing a lecture from one of the leading minds in super foods and longevity, David Wolfe, that chocolate and wine were two of the best things you can consume for longevity… oh the things we do for health! Of course, it’s all about the quality of what you are eating and the proper amount, but all I needed to hear was those three little words, “it’s good for you,” to start my celebratory dance.

We could go on and on about the uses and health benefits of coconut oil, but I’ll save that for another day. The important part is that coconut oil is a good fat! You can read here about 5 health benefits of coconut oil. The one I find most fascinating is that it’s a weight loss aid.

After several attempts in the kitchen I finally perfected my recipe with good ingredients without compromising on taste. These homemade chocolates are rich in antioxidants and magnesium without the dairy, refined sugar, and artificial additives you get with most chocolates. Just one will satisfy the most overzealous chocoholic.


Healthy Homemade Coconut Chocolates

Healthy Homemade Coconut Chocolates

Makes about 25 chocolates

1/2 cup Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (unrefined if possible)

3 Tablespoons Almond Butter

1/2 cup Raw Organic Cacao Powder

1/4 cup Raw honey (local if possible)

1 Teaspoon of vanilla 7 Drops of Liquid Stevia Extract

1/4 cup Sliced almonds (optional) Garnish with Shredded Unsweetened Coconut

Slowly melt coconut oil in double boiler or saucepan. Once melted remove from heat and add almond butter. Stir until blended. Add cacao powder, honey, stevia, vanilla, and almonds (if desired). Pour into ice cube trays (these are my favorite because they make a pretty shape and have a cover). Carefully place in freezer until set and pop them out to eat.

Bonus Tip: You could always add raw cacao nibs for some crunch or goji berries/raspberries for color and sweetness. To have these bite-size chocolates ready anytime make sure you store them in the freezer (coconut oil melts at 78 degrees, so you don’t want it turning back into liquid if you keep your house really warm).

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2 Responses to Healthy Homemade Chocolates

  1. These chocolates are fabulous and guilt free! Besides almonds, don’t forget whole hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, brazil nuts or walnuts chopped fine and added to chocolate mix for texture, crunch, flavor and added nutrients. The nuts can be raw or toasted. I really enjoyed this recipe and know you will too!

Julia Nicholson is dedicated to helping women reclaim their health and life so they can live full out. She's a current NFL cheerleader, wife, and mom who has a passion for helping women achieve their greatness and live their dream.