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5 Ways to avoid bloat, fatigue, & Constipation while Traveling

5 Ways to avoid bloat, fatigue, & Constipation while Traveling

After six seasons as a cheerleader, I’m beyond thrilled to be on my first overseas military tour. We will be gone for a total of ten days and visiting several islands including Hawaii, Kwaj (Marshall Islands), and Guam. I’m thrilled to visit with the troops and see some parts of the world I wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to experience.

I absolutely LOVE traveling, meeting new people, and seeing new places. However, travel requires you to step outside of your normal routine. Unfortunately, this disruption often means that your trip comes with unwanted travel mates like belly bloat, fatigue, and constipation. Not to worry, here are 5 things to think about before you take your next adventure to keep your body and mind functioning smoothly while you’re gone.

5 Ways to Avoid Bloat, Fatigue, & Constipation while Traveling

Vaction Exercise Tips1) Exercise –

Now I’m not telling you spend hours in the gym on your trip, but to fight fatigue and rid your body of toxins incorporate some kind of exercise into your day.

I often have barre clients that tell me they never realize how strong they were until after they come back from vacation and jump back into class and feel like their a newbie all over again. When exercise becomes a part of your lifestyle it’s easy to forget all the perks like more energy, mobility, flexibility, and strength. Not to mention it’s helping your body flush out toxins. It doesn’t have to take a lot of thought, but a nice walk, bike ride, or a short video/app workout will give you what you need.


2) Water –

Let’s be honest, even foods from restaurants on the healthy side still have more sodium and additives than you’re used to. Going above and beyond your normal water intake will help keep things moving and flushing out all the “extra” things your body is processing. You have to make a conscious effort when you’re in a hotel or the airport to buy extra water, but if it means less puffiness it’s worth the extra effort.

3) Vitamins & Greens –

When you’re traveling your sleep schedule is different, you’re eating differently, and your immune system is put to the test. Is that a time to starve your body of some of those nutrients you need to feel and function your best? I think not! Bring your vitamins to give your body the nutrients and cellular support it’s accustomed to so you won’t hold on to any “excess.” You can buy greens powder in individual servings to like this to get in your greens while you’re traveling.

Travel Must Haves4) Oils –

If you haven’t ventured out into the world of essential oils you are definitely missing out. Look for a post coming soon on why essential oils are essential to have. When it comes to traveling here are a few of my favorite oils and blends I don’t leave without.

  • OnGuard – Fantastic for warding off those unwanted germs at the airport and support your immune system.
  • Lemon – I add it to my water everyday to help my liver detox and eliminate bloat.
  • Serenity – If I’m on vacation I want it to relax and have lots of quality sleep. I not only go to sleep faster when I use it I sleep more soundly.
  • DigestZen – I love trying new local foods but sometimes they don’t love me back. Rubbing some digestzen on my stomach when I have a belly ache or on my chest for heartburn helps. Putting 1-2 drops in my water is another great way to use it.

5) Snacks –

I think one of the best things about traveling is experiencing what the locals do, including the food. But lets be real, the airport doesn’t have much of a selection, and good snacks can be hard to come by between meals once you have arrived at your destination. I like to bring some of my normal snacks so I know I’ll have something I like. Click here for my post on 7 travel-friendly foods.


Remember, you are on vacation so don’t be too hard on yourself. You can only do your best and remember you are there to enjoy yourself, but coming prepared will definitely make life a little easier.

Check out my Instagram and Facebook page for updates on my trip. Have a great week, and as they say in Hawaii, Aloha!!

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Julia Nicholson is dedicated to helping women reclaim their health and life so they can live full out. She's a current NFL cheerleader, wife, and mom who has a passion for helping women achieve their greatness and live their dream.